Papers, 1719-1804.


Papers, 1719-1804.

Papers of the Merrill family, in particular Samuel Merrill (1737-1801), captain of a company of the Mass. Militia, 4th Essex County Division (Haverhill, Mass.) during the Revolution, as well as papers of other residents of Haverhill. Papers related to the town and the Revolution include returns; orders from John Whittier and others to Merrill to engage troops and training bands; and documents pertaining to price regulation among merchants in order to prevent profiteering and currency depreciation during the war. Also, receipts, accounts, and a deed to Merrill for land in Methuen; papers pertaining to a highway in Haverhill; "Some remarks on the observance of the Lord's Day," author unknown; a few papers of the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire (1775) and the General Court of Massachusetts, including notes on the Committee of Correspondence of which Merrill was clerk; and a few papers of Merrill's son Samuel (b.1761).

1 narrow box.

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